Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Bryce and Carla

Rock. Tonite got to catch up with Bryce...Carla (i learned) is Peruvian...so hooray for Peru! Glad you guys liked the napkins!
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fun fun happy (NOT)
Now my kids and hers are standing there and I am handing her cash from my own wallet to make up her difference (no biggie) but she made me count this cash 5 f-ing times. 5.
If it had been anyone in our club, there would not have been a problem because #1 I know everyone that was there #2 I trust everyone there and #3, i know who they are and where they live. It was a pisser to the whole weekend.
Sunday we took the kids to toys r us to get xmas gifts (and blow some of my new found cash) That was cool.
The Packers won (hooray), I won my fantasy game (hooray x2), and i was able to work out today after work (hoooray x3).
Tomorow is Halloween (ooh spooky) and we are taking the kids trick or treating right after dinner. I have to set up the VCR to tape Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, and House. arg arg arg. I'll be up till 11pm watching my shows.
Also for those of you keeping track (me) I will be 30 in 24 days.
Tonight listening to many cover versions of the worlds saddest song "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen.
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Friday, October 27, 2006
NOTE TO FANS: It is exactly 27 days till my 30 birthday...amazon.com has my wish list..
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Sunday, October 22, 2006
came in 1st again at the State Music Competition again last night in Whitewater! Congratulations to "Papa's Band."
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Thursday, October 19, 2006

My oldest friend Bryce
is getting married!!! Its wierd (not that he is getting married) because I was literally thinking of him yesterday because I have not seen him in almost 3 years (he lives in VA and I live here although his Dad and stepmom live in Madison in the worlds coolest house with nice doggies)
Bryce and I met at band camp (any jokes and I will kill you all) gosh when i was 13? 14?, I know I couldnt drive, thats for sure..and have pretty much been friends (although always long distance in some form, man is a world traveler!) since.
Anyways congrats to him and Carla (who I am excited to meet!) on getting married!
I'm pretty excited to head to VA next Feb to see them both! HOoray!
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after 8hrs of work time all day…This week the kids are in school
everyday vs just 3 days..Grandma is in Florida. This week Thursday
nite I have a Halloween party for the kids at daycare, an allergy
appointment on Wednesday after work, also we have a possible football
game that nite as well. Friday, no plans that I know of…maybe just
Saturday night we have a surprise birthday party for a
friend…Sunday its possible I may go to a craft fair and not much else.
Thankfully its been so windy and rainy lately all our leaves have
blown away. This means, not much raking (whoo hoo!) I mowed the
backyard Sunday and chopped up a ton of leaves…all our trees back
there are still mostly Green so I assume the deluge will start soon.
Netflix queue for the week: The office season 2 disc 3 and 4, Penn
and Tellers bullshit season 3 disc 3….coming next week: the office
final disc and arrested development the final season disc 1.
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
i am mad
so there was this lady in san antonio who got an ARM and her mtg was like i dunno $450 a month for 3 years, ok no biggie...then 3 months ago it jumped to like $650.00 and now NPR is like "antonia chavez sits at her kitchen table with piles of unopened bills before her..."
So the lady goes on and on about how "my mtg officer, she was nice, i thought was my friend, she had dinner with my mom, she didnt explain this adjustable rate thing to me when i signed" and admitted to the lady"i didnt understand what i was signing up for" and "i cant afford this im a single mom."
blah blah...but bascially she had a bill from her mtg company that showed her past due like 1500.00...which if i do the math is about 3 months worth of payments and she was complaining "they (the mortgage company) used to call me every day, now they dont call me anymore, i just dont know what 2 do, maybe they started forclosure, i dunno."
so basically if i do the math, if she is 1500.00 past due thats like three payments, or a bit less...this means she hasnt fucking paid in 3 months, (Give or take) so where is the $1200.00 from her "old" payment? did she pay that to them? did she buy crack and snort that up her nose? go pay your goddamn mortgage company your 3 months at the old rate, i betcha they will take it...did you try to, um I dunno, refinance? One would think after 3 years you have SOME equity in your home?
I deal with IDIOTS like this all day...here is some advise to people in the blog world:
They are NOT in business to help you. They are in business to MAKE MONEY. Which means, if you dont understand what you are signing or you don't think its "fair" that a credit card company would charge you 28.99% interest if you dont pay your bills , you should most likely NOT do business with that company. #2
#3 why? because all of the above WANT you to go past due...why? because your credit card company doesnt make MONEY if you pay your bills on time, all the time, and in full. They make money off -fees charged to superamerica when you buy gas, -interest charged to consumers and -late fees. My credit card company HATES ME. I have never carried a balance and pay them off in full every fucking month. They LOSE money on people like me. If i went past due on lets say 5000.00 at 28.99%...for 6 months, you do the math...
anyways, i guess my collection job and this NPR story just all caught up and i got mad.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
sad news
The strange thing about this all is, I was just thinking about Randy Monday when I was listening to my Pajama Game soundtrack..Sort of a downer to go into the weekend with...So if Renee pops in anytime soon, you know i'm thinking about you...
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