Tonight, running to the hardware store quick quick to get weed killer fertilizer after work then feeding the girls )grilled cheese)
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Going to WW after work for a 30 min and then running over to grab the girls.
erin and I are planning a Lane Bryant/Outlet mall trip early next month!
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Sunday was busy. We had family pictures sunday am...everyone did good except Mya who was pretty scared and didnt want to smile. Had McDonalds at the mall and got 2 pair of free underware from VS-whoo hoo! We then changed clothes and went to the Reynolds Good Bye Party-very windy but lots of kids to play with and toys to play with...Saw and chatted with Dustin and Erin and the Trumpy kids, and the Keira grandparents (and Kristies mom visits here for the new kid pictures, hi Mrs., Trumpy!)-apparantly we are now anathama to the LC so screw them all and poop on your heads collectively.
We will miss them, but I'm sure since the whole family is here we will see them soon. I need to stop over and pick up the elmo forks and the playground sand (thanks Jeff).
Sunday night since the kids were outside for 3 hours they crashed when we got home. I updated my I-pod, did some wash and chores, made dinner for tonight (slow cooker stew) took a shower and bemoaned not hitting the gym since last week, I feel like a slovenly fatty.
We have tickets to Noahs Ark in 2 weeks (free corporate event, free lunch etc..) so I invited Robin and Jason, hope they can come.
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Speaking of stress I have had a headache for about 3 weeks, it never goes away, my teeth ache my head hurts so badly and my dr says its all sinus related, but that he's seen me look much much worse? WTF
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Saturday was my brothers graduation which I didnt even get to see as they do THE WHOLE SCHOOL at one ceremony (vs madisons like 87 different ones) so after sitting for 2 1/2 hrs we had to leave to get home....I didnt even see my brother do the walk. I did see Kristies sister (yea! Kathy) and the intern at Dale's company.
Saturday we cleaned up the rummage (made another 10 bucks that day) and played outside.
Sunday we dropped owen at my moms and took the girls to the zoo to see the birds and monkeys, we went to lunch at Murfs and went home. I watched: The Phantom of the Opera (and for you drama nerds, I thought the leading soprano's voice was a little "thin" compared to Sarah Brightman's) and "The LIfe Aquatic with Steve Zizzou" (i love wes anderson). I also have Blade Trinity this week to watch.
This week is the preview rummage at Toni's neighborhood (Thurs), Owen's f/u appt on Friday in Oconomowoc, our playdate on Saturday AM (hope that gage, the Pechanach twins, Lisa's Twins?, Keira, and the Ryder girls) can make it. Sunday is pictures at Pennys and Jeff's Goodbye party (remember to bring their housewarming/farewell gift {on your bookcase downstairs mary}).
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As for Owen he did OK with his tubes, he was OK about not eating but about 7:30 he was cranky and i snuggled him till his surgery started. The Dr. said the fluid was so thick it was like glue, yuck. She sd that this means its a resistant bacterial infection...Owen and I then went to Bruggers once he was released, I had a bagel and bought a dozen, then we went home, took a nap, I went to the Dr. myself, Got drugs from the dr., went over to Tonis with my crabby Twins. Went home...cleaned out Garage for rummage sale this friday....Watched Lemony Snicket's "A series of unfortunate Events." which was way better than the books which I have not really enjoyed.
Tonight Erin and I are setting up for our Rummage tomorrow....I hope to be organized enough to watch ER tonight.
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