The u/s looked good today...the baby is around 1.5lbs.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MALINDA AND MYA! We went to the doctor with them today and Malinda weighs 18 lbs and Mya weighs 17lbs 1 and a 1/4 oz. They also got shots and now they hate us :(Mail me!
The u/s looked good today...the baby is around 1.5lbs.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MALINDA AND MYA! We went to the doctor with them today and Malinda weighs 18 lbs and Mya weighs 17lbs 1 and a 1/4 oz. They also got shots and now they hate us :(
For those of you keeping track, I have an ultrasound on Tuesday and I will be happy to inform you of the sex of the baby at that time! Its also the girls 1st bithday, happy birthday girls.
Some shitty kid bit mya today at daycare so now she has a welt on her cheek...they wont tell me who bit her but I think it was an older kid!
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Thanks to the Reynold's and Kieran for joining our daycare! We all got a free week-so the free week paid for the case of MW exactly! wowie!
This weekend we have Saturday off, playing with D, Sunday planning a visit to the pool, maybe Damon and Jen and Brooke will be able to come along...?? who knows?
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I had yesterday off, sick day. The girls are still sick.
They got a lot of wonderful stuff from everyone and seemed a bit overwhelmed once they woke up the next morning and saw all the toys and stuff!
Yesterday I was able to get a lot done at home, laundry, framing the 1yr pictures, baked cookies and brownies and did dishes-whew!
Tonight is MW at hobbytown :) and its a gray ass rainy day...makes me feel like I'm in Seattle.!
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Today I discovered something slightly disturbing about my bosses boss. He has this habit of talking to customers and using the phrase "you people." As in "when are you people going to pay this lease?" Now I know he means "you people" to be "the people in charge at your business or organization," however he called a customer this morning that happens to be an Islamic/Black Fundamentalist organization and was using the phrase "you people" like 15 times in the conversation. He couldnt seem to grasp why the lady he was taking to was getting more and more upset every time he said "we dont want to deal with this from you people for 30 months, and when will you people be making the payments?" Im feeling its a lawsuit waiting to happen if I repo them.. thoughts?
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Today I have to go to sam's club and get soda and beer and snacks for the party, i also have to buy gifts for the kids who are coming (anika, my 3 cousins)-im gonna just hit Libby Lu on Saturday and get the three girls some girly stuff and my cousin joey, i have no idea...maybe something he can destroy or a football or something.....
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Mike stopped by last night. he moved to Virgina not Portland (why did I think portland) he is BIG into spellfire and they now do online boosters. They have created a card for an old D&D character I is the link to my picture: Mary's Card Its a long story and an old joke... I had to sign my card for mike which I imblazoned with "mary's ass" over the ass of the card.
Watched the last episode of Freaks and Geeks last night, it is so sad this show is over, it sucks.
Tonight is MW---only like 9 days till the new set comes out!!!
The girls birthday party is this saturday and as previously mentioned, you're all welcome to stop by...please let me know if you are planning on that so we can have alot of food and bev's for you!
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we got pulled over on the way home for having a defective headlight, what a joke that was-not even a ticket....arg!
Sunday gamed with Dustin and hung with the girls, took them to the park and had a bath and then a pretty early bedtime. Watched the end of Disc 6 of FREAKS AND GEEKS. Watched about 10 min of the Olympics.
Tonight seeing an old friend, Mike from way back....
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Also was able to cook dinner for 1st time in weeks? Had this taco bake thingy-very yum, had rest for lunch with ham samich on the side, double yum-made even better by grape bubble gum dessert.
The guy I work with is getting married, hes 39-1st marriage-had his car hit and run'd last night-2nd time in less than 2 months-sucks to be him!
Watched disc 5 of freaks and geeks last night, watching the new lost boys dvd tonight. :)
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Dale's grandma Sally isnt doing very good. She just had a breast removed due to cancer and went back in to start chemo and her PET scan found 4 or 5 other cancer "hot spots." So Dales uncle Bob (hes a dr) is going to tt her doctor and find out what the deal is....good luck grandma!
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Tonight is faction wars at hobbytown and I have pitched in a Vincent DeLeon for a prize, yippie!
Today I went to TJ MAXX for lunch and bought a laundry hamper, some kids books, a kids ring toy thing and 3 outfits for the girls. I hate TJ Maxx, too much stuff and too shitty service. According to Dale malinda is in the 10% percentile for weight and Mya is the 3%, we have to feed these girls more I guess (even though they eat all the time now!)
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Saturday we went to Denny's and the grocery store and did some napping and playing....Sunday we went to the pool at westwood and went swimming....watched "hidalgo" (not bad) on dvd and took a walk around the block with the kids....all in all a fun weekend. Robin and jason came out Saturday night and we grilled out before she hit the dave matthews band show at Alpine.!
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